In collaboration with Sarah Lee and Andrew Teo
Situated in Estero Puerto Liza, Guayaquil, Estero
Look! The Estero Beyond is a livable system that re-attaches a divided neighborhood to its local water source, through a series of urban interventions within the proposed urban prototype termed as the Staple.
Estero Puerto Liza is an improvised neighbourhood town within Guayaquil divided by a wide water body - the Estero Salada. Gradually infilled by garbage and human waste , the estero has become a forgotten natural resource and amenity that has contributed to increasing obstruction to local schools and economic activities.
The Staple proposes the insertion of a hybrid prototype between series of housing blocks, that is terminated by a new school and the estero bank. Prominent functions along the street will be anchored onto each building block to encourage local activity along the neighbourhood.
This prototype should be flexible, adaptable and replicable along different sites around the estero. This also includes allowing The Staple to be multiplied at certain nodal points to encompass more facilities to encourage constant development.
“The prototype, flexible, adaptable and replicable, is not an end product but a building block in the non-finished process.”
Catalogue of Plug-Ins: Set of Possibilities
Urban Conditions: Street Situations with Plug-ins
Urban Conditions: Public Building - School
Urban Conditions: Housing Typologies